Liposuction and body contouring
Liposuction depends on removing the excess fat from the body that accumulates between the abdominal muscles to get a harmonious appearance, through using liposuction techniques to dissolve the fats and to remove it outside the body, such as Vaser.
What is 4D Vaser Liposuction?
It is a technique used to dissolve the fat in a particular area under the influence of ultrasound. It is a very safe technique and does not require long time to perform. Its results are immediate and have a lower recovery period when compared to other liposuction techniques with accurate suction efficiency.
Steps of the buttocks liposuction process with Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa:
1. The patient will be anesthetized, by local or general anesthesia, according to the technique used for liposuction and the place of fats.
2. Prof. Ahmed El Sherifa creates a surgical incision around the place of the buttock fat.
3. Then Prof. Ahmed El Sherifa uses the Vaser liposuction device until reaching the desired shape.
4. Then, a saline solution is injected with a local anesthetic material and adrenaline to facilitate the exit of fats outside the body.
Steps of liposuction of the abdomen with Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa:
Frequent pregnancy and continuously gaining and losing weight are the main reasons for significantly increased abdominal fat. The liposuction process aims to get rid of the accumulated fats and restore the body's natural shape as much as possible. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa performs this process through the following steps:
1. The doctor performs anesthesia. He may apply local or general anesthesia, according to the technique used for suction and the place of liposuction.
2. Prof. Ahmed El Sherifa performs surgical access to the place of abdominal fat, through two small incisions in the pubic area.
3. Then Prof. Ahmed El Sherifa applies the Vaser liposuction device until reaching the desired abdominal shape.
4. Then, a saline solution is injected with a local anesthetic and adrenaline in dissolved fat site to facilitate the process of its exit outside the body.
5. If liposuction aims to tighten the abdomen, Prof. Ahmed El Sherifa will make a simple incision down the abdominal wall horizontally to reach the abdominal muscles, thus strengthening them and removing the excess skin around them.
6. The doctor then sews the skin and muscle layers using special cosmetic threads that completely disappear after a short time.
7. Then he puts a tube inside the incision with appropriate bandages to ensure the exit and drainage of all fluids, fats, and blood remaining from the abdominal tissues.
Steps of the arm liposuction process with Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa:
Liposuction of the arms is applied if other methods fail to get rid of the excess fat accumulation, such as exercising to strengthen the muscles or following a diet to reduce fat accumulation in the arm.
1. After the anesthesia step, local or general anesthesia, Prof. Ahmed El Sherifa forms a surgical incision at the site of the fat in the arms.
2. Then Prof. Ahmed El Sherifa uses the Vaser liposuction until achieving the exact result that the patient seeks.
3. Then, bandages containing a tube are placed to get rid of any fluid or blood from the tissues.
Who are the ideal candidates for liposuction and body contouring with Prof. Ahmed El Sherifa?
These people are:
• Those who have good health.
• Those who have excess weight or accumulated fat in a localized area and have been trying to get rid of it by traditional methods.
• Non-smokers.
• Those who maintain a healthy diet as much as possible to ensure the improvement of the liposuction results.
Before liposuction and body contouring, Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa will need:
• Some medical examinations with the review of your medical record, your family's record, and identifing your chronic diseases, if there are any.
• Laboratory tests for the ratios of some vitamins and minerals in your body.
• Anesthetic allergy testing to ensure the progress of the process in the right direction safely.
• Prohibit smoking for at least two weeks before the surgery
• Prevent taking any blood-thinning medications such as aspirin.
What happens after liposuction and body contouring?
After liposuction and body contouring, Prof. Ahmed El Sherifa will ask you to stay in the hospital for two hours, or your stay may extend for a whole night, according to your health condition after liposuction.
You will have to get out of bed, walk, and wear a special belt for at least 2 weeks, to reduce the swelling as much as possible, thereby showing a satisfactory result as soon as possible after the liposuction procedure.
Prof. Ahmed El Sherifa also advises his patients not to engage in any violent physical activities during the first two weeks after the procedure, with the need to drink plenty of water and adhere to a healthy diet as much as possible.
Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Sherifa may prescribe simple analgesics to be taken during the recovery period if you feel pain in the place of the liposuction process. The pain quickly decreases and then disappears completely.
After a liposuction procedure, Prof. Ahmed El Sherifa may perform J-plasma technique to obtain a harmonious body instead of saggy body. This may be performed on the same day of the liposuction or in another separate procedure.
What is the J-plasma device?
It is a device that works mostly on the problem of sagging resulting from liposuction or losing a large percentage of weight in general. It can get rid of sagging in both arms, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, breasts, face, and neck.
This process can be done under local or general anesthesia or by taking a simple sedative in the case of small area tightening. Its results begin to appear immediately, with the final result after a year at most.
What is the difference between liposuction and body contouring?
Liposuction and body contouring are two procedures that ultimately aim to improve the body's appearance and increase self-confidence and self-satisfaction. However, liposuction mainly aims to get rid of excess fat in different body parts that is difficult to get rid of through traditional ways of dieting and exercising.
As for body contouring, it is a process that aims primarily to re-format the body shape, remove any sagging caused by liposuction, strengthen the muscles and give it an attractive and harmonious appearance.